From The Coach's Desk

The 6 Best Plyometric Exercises for Explosiveness, Speed, and Power

Written by Sam Barr | Sep 14, 2024 1:49:15 PM

Plyometric exercises are a staple for athletes looking to enhance their explosiveness, speed, and power. These dynamic movements activate fast-twitch muscle fibers, improving the body’s ability to produce force quickly—an essential trait in sports requiring rapid acceleration, jumping, and changes in direction.

Here are six of the best plyometric exercises you can incorporate into your training for serious athletic gains.

Box Jumps

Benefits: Box jumps are one of the most effective exercises for improving lower body explosiveness. They enhance vertical jump height, improve leg power, and develop fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are crucial for sprinting and jumping sports.

How to...

  1. Stand facing a sturdy box or platform.
  2. Dip slightly into a quarter squat and swing your arms back.
  3. Explode up by driving through your hips, knees, and ankles.
  4. Land softly on the box with your knees slightly bent.
  5. Step down and repeat.

Training Tip: Ensure the box height allows for proper form; focus on maximum height and soft landings.

Broad Jumps

Benefits: Broad jumps target horizontal explosiveness, which is vital for sports that require quick accelerations and ground coverage. They also strengthen the posterior chain, particularly the glutes, and hamstrings, which are key to sprinting power.

How to...

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower into a squat, swinging your arms back.
  3. Push through your legs and jump forward as far as possible.
  4. Land softly with your knees bent, ensuring your body remains balanced.
  5. Reset and repeat.

Training Tip: Concentrate on covering as much distance as possible while maintaining control.

Squat Jumps

Benefits: Squat jumps are excellent for building overall lower body power. They emphasize quadriceps strength, improve the stretch-shortening cycle (how fast your muscles transition from eccentric to concentric), and increase vertical leap.

How to...

  1. Start in a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Drop into a deep squat, keeping your chest up.
  3. Explode upward as high as you can.
  4. Land softly in the squat position and immediately go into the next rep.

Training Tip: Perform each rep with maximal effort, aiming to achieve full hip extension at the peak of the jump.

Single-Leg Hops

Benefits: This exercise is great for unilateral strength and stability, targeting balance, coordination, and power in each leg independently. Single-leg hops are excellent for injury prevention and improving agility, especially in sports that involve cutting and pivoting.

How to...

  1. Stand on one leg with your knee slightly bent.
  2. Hop forward, aiming for both height and distance.
  3. Land on the same leg with a soft knee, maintaining balance.
  4. Perform all reps on one leg before switching.

Training Tip: Start with shorter hops, focusing on control and stability before progressing to more explosive movements.

Lateral Bounds

Benefits: Lateral bounds build lateral explosiveness, agility, and coordination. These movements simulate the cutting and side-to-side motions required in sports like soccer, basketball, and football, making them a perfect addition to any training program.

How to...

  1. Begin in an athletic stance, slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Push off your left leg and jump laterally to your right, landing softly on your right foot.
  3. Immediately push off your right leg and bound back to the left.
  4. Repeat for a set number of reps or time.

Training Tip: Focus on maximal distance and control with each bound, ensuring proper alignment through the knees and hips to avoid injury.

Plyometric Push-Ups

Benefits: Plyometric push-ups are a powerful upper-body plyometric exercise that improves explosive strength in the chest, shoulders, and triceps. They also engage the core and improve overall athletic performance in pushing motions.

How to...

  1. Start in a push-up position with hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Lower your chest to the floor.
  3. Explode up, pushing yourself off the ground so your hands lift into the air.
  4. Land softly, absorbing the impact with bent elbows before transitioning into the next rep.

Training Tip: Keep your core tight and ensure your body stays in a straight line throughout the movement.

Final Thoughts

As athletes, you're constantly pushing the limits of what your body can achieve. Plyometric exercises are one of the best ways to take your performance to the next level by improving explosiveness, speed, and power. But it’s not just about jumping higher or running faster—it’s about training with intention and purpose, focusing on quality movement every time.

These six exercises aren’t just about building strength...they’re about becoming a better, more well-rounded athlete. So, I challenge you to start adding these to your training, pay attention to your form, and give each rep maximum effort. You'll see the results in the gym and your sport.

Train hard. Train smart. And remember, your potential is far greater than you realize.

Dedicated to your success,
